What Am I Doing?

I (Tim Lotz) will be going to Uganda, Africa on January 4th, 2013. Before then I am going to try to raise money for shoes for the kids in Oditel (the village I am going to) because they don't have shoes to walk to school in and there are alot of foot infections. To do this I am going to get pledges for every day I go without shoes. My goal is 100 days. But you can help too. You can make a one time donation on this page. If you don't have that much money you can donate a used pair of flip-flops (flip-flops are best because they don't wear out as fast and they fit more sizes) I will be starting on September 1st. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Hi everybody, sorry for not posting in awhile. Alot has happened since the last time I posted. The first being my church's fall retreat. It was really fun and the camp was completely okay with me going barefoot. We got to hangout with Heartsong, and after the retreat they sent me a post card saying they were praying in support of 100 Days Without Shoes, so that was cool.
The next big thing that happened was, my sister talked to her school, and got them to do a flip-flop drive for the kids in Oditel. A big thanks to anybody that brought in shoes. We got several boxes full. The next thing that is coming up is this weekend. I will be going to Art Hop downtown Kalamazoo, to raise awareness and helpout at The River's site. So if you are going to Art Hop, you should find me, and if you aren't going, you should.  It is a great way to support local artists and start your Christmas shopping.
Now that we got the bigger things out of the way I can talk about the smaller things. It is really cold out, but I'm just happy that it hasn't snowed like it said it was going to on the news. We are still getting donations every week, so Thank You everybody. The Uganda group bought plane tickets at the last meeting. so we are officially going now. Yay. Thanks again for all the prayers and donations.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day - 45

Hi, Everybody. I'm almost half way there, and for day 50, I was thinking about doing a Q&A, so if you have any questions comment on this post. 
The exciting news is that we have raised enough money for shoes and Bibles for all of the orphans in Oditel.  We are now adopting the village of Nyada and hoping to have enough to buy shoes for all of the orphans there too!   Keep giving and blessing this kids in Africa!
Anyway, last Sunday I was at The River church because they were doing a day focused on giving to Oditel, and the kind people there gave me about $400 twoards shoes. Last week went really slow for  some reason, and not much happened. Saturday I went to go see Taken 2 and got yelled at by the guy at the connsesions stand, but after I told him what it was for he was okay with it. This Sunday we went to get pumpkins at Gene-Gene's and the lady that was collecting pay said to just donate it to buying shoes, so that was really cool. I think that is all that has happened since my last post. Don't forget to donate we still need about $900 for those kids in Nyada. Thank you!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day - 36

The interview last Sunday went well, and we sold about $50 of wristbands at it. The week was a pretty normal week. Friday there was an article about 100 Days Without Shoes in the school newspaper so that helped awareness, hopefully causing more people to donate. As it gets closer to winter it is definitely getting alot colder in the mornings. It doesn't look like it will be like last year and not snow till Christmas. It looks more like its going to snow in early November. Oh well. Tommorow I go to The River church and try to get donations and let people know why I'm going barefoot. After that the Uganda team has another meeting to go over the Ateso language. We have reached our second goal, so now we have a Bible and a pair of shoes for every orphan in the village. This means we only need about $1,200 till we reach our final goal. I have no doubt that God will be able to get us to that goal.